We were able to take Maverick out snowshoeing almost everyday, right from our back door. There was all this open space that you could trek through all the way to the ski runs.

We made it over to June mountain a couple times during our stay. We love the view of Mono Lake that you have the whole way down the upper runs.

Russ made it up a few more time with John and Andy. This picture is us at the end of our trail back from the hill to our cabin. Puts us right at our back door!
Go Team!

Ed & Jake came up again with some more friends... I stole a couple pictures from Jake this time around.

Good times!

After a long, hard day of riding... this is what we do!

Jon's parents made it up for a week. Gary came out on the hill with us every day!

Our friends Sara & Ryan came up for a long weekend. We did Mammoth one day and June the other. Then we sent them on their way home in the middle of a HUGE snow storm. Thankfully, they made it out before it got too bad!

They had built this igloo at the top of June Mountain.

We met some really great people in our complex the last couple weeks we were there. They had dogs for Mav to play with. Turns out, this dog is Maverick's real life sister! Small world huh?

The last weekend we were there, they had the Roxy Chicken Jam. Some of the top pro girl riders were there competeing. It was really fun for me to watch riders like Tara Dakides compete! (Yes, she is inverted here)
I already can't wait for the snow to start falling on the 09/10 season!