This year was the 3rd annual Downieville Summer Kickoff. Mountain bikers from all over join together in the tiny little town of Downieville for some amazing riding, great friends, exciting raffles, and... rain, hail, & mud!!! Still, despite the crazy weather, I think this year was one of my favorite. The trails were tacky, it wasn't hot, and we had such an amazing group of people there to tough out the storms with.

Now that's a group that's going somewhere!

We stopped at the river on the way up. So beautiful!

Everything was so green. Trails were a little wet, but better than dusty!

Martin, Andy, and Missy on the first day. 17 miles of downhill greatness!

Jon and Martin

There are views like this the whole way down!

Back at camp, we tried to stay dry. Somehow, Eagle Scout Martin was able to start a fire in the middle of a downpour! We knew he was good for something!

We may be camping, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't eat well! Yum!

Jake and Jeana out on the trail.

The Waterfall section

I think Heather was happy!
The last night, it finally cleared up and we were all able to gather at the "beer corral" for the raffle. So many of the vendors donated stuff for us to be able to enjoy. Including a frame from specialized and some wheel sets. Not to mention what seemed like hundreds of T-Shirts, socks, stickers, tubes, and more and more and more. Andy did a fantastic job running the raffle and the contests were hilarious. I was in the running for the frame and got to show of my break-dancing skills. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from that night.
Needless to say, it was a great trip and we are all excited for next years adventures.
Oh yeah, did I mention it was muddy?