Can you think of a better way to spend the New Year than with a bunch of your good friends in one of the most beautiful places... Mammoth, CA? Jon and I can't! This year was the 5th year that we have rung in the New Year in Mammoth. This year was much different than others as it was the first year that we did not get dumped on with snow. (Last year we got 8 feet of snow in the course of 2 days!) But this didn't stop us from having fun! We headed up Wednesday night and stayed until Tuesday. Four days on the hill, and one half day with some snowshoeing in the afternoon. Every night was filled with fun and friends. After hitting up the spa, Sam graced us with his talent on the piano in the hotel lobby! Man can that guy play. I could have listened to him for hours... if fact, I think we did. We picked up a new game called Mad Gab. If you haven't played it, you've got to try it out! It is absolutely hilarious, especially when you have engineers sitting there being more confused than ever! Don't worry Drew, I think you finally caught on!
On New Year's Eve, we went to the spa and then back to the piano for another concert. Then back to the condo for some dinner, games, and the most random dance party you can imagine! More friends that were in town for the weekend came and hung out for the evening. After 4 days of boarding, it was tough to make it to midnight, but we did! And Jon was in bed 15 minutes later!
Thanks everyone for making it such a great weekend. Looking forward to next year!

Team New Year's 2007

The few that made it to the top!

Jon and I messing around at lunch
Happy New Year!
Great idea....Wishing you many Great Adventures in the years to come.
You guys are my role models for "retirement!" Joel leaves NASSCO in March. We will be spending some time at the river shortly thereafter for him to decompress!! We have reservations in May to houseboat with 2 other couples on Lake Shasta, reservations in Yosemite Valley camping in June (with 2 different couples), rafting up in Oregon shortly thereafter with some other friends. I am fabulously excited about my second childhood!
Loved the blog!
Love you guys,
Janice and Joel
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