I've been tagged by my friend Juliana and I'm supposed to say 7 random things about me. So here it goes:
1. I hate needles! I can't stand getting shots, taking blood, anything like that. Even when it's other people. I was in the ER with my husband when he got his knee sliced open while snowboarding. The doctor was giving him shots inside the cut. And I passed out! So there I am laying on the ER floor. Awesome!
2. I LOVE snow! Probably more than anything in the world! Not only because of the obvious reasons (snowboarding, snowshoeing, snowball fights) but because after a big storm it makes everything look so clean and peaceful! I start dreaming of snow in July. Those dreams usually consist of me trying to get to the snow, but not being able to. I love snow so much that Jon and I have decided to move to Mammoth come January for three months! Pray for snow!
3. I am addicted to coffee with flavored creamer! I get overly excited when I go to the grocery store in October and find that the Peppermint Mocha creamer is already available. This happened to me last week. I bought two bottles!
4. My dog rules! His name is Maverick and was named before Sarah Palin decided to get Mavericky. And he was not named after Top Gun either. I just like the name. I am training him to do agility and hope to compete with him some day.
5. I love the Discovery Channel. Jon and I have never had cable until this year. I am totally addicted to the Discovery Channel and Science channel. There is a show called Time Warp that I am totally intrigued by. They take everyday occurrences and slow it down to 500 frames a second. Incredible! You wouldn't believe how cool popping a bubble looks in slow motion!
6. I am in a bunco group.
7. The Seven. I have the most amazing group of girlfriends. We call ourselves the 7. We have been friends since high school, and some since we were born! We were all in each others weddings. We are enjoying watching each others kids grow up. We look forward to growing old together. I love my girls.
So that's random me in a nutshell. Now I am supposed to tag 7 people to do this. Most of my blogging friends have already been tagged, so I'm tagging some random people. I don't even know if these people look at my blog (or how often they do). Maybe I just stalk their blog. Tag your it: Drew, Jeana, Melissa, Kristi, Megan, Sheryl, and Jen.
i think you should change your dog's name to Mavericky.
lol...too funny.
P.S. I have already been tagged. i blogged my tag a few weeks ago :-)
thanks for thinking of me though.
I thought to myself, I'll see what Jon and Missy are up to...and, to my surprise, now find that I have an assignment! Go figure! Haha! Cool that you guys are going to stay in Mammoth for a few months! I'm going up there for my b-day in December. I'm praying for snow too!
um.... did you tag? nothing more than hilariously embarrassing ourselves by thinking you mean "us"... :)
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